Funds List
CONTRIBUTION OPPORTUNITIES BY CATEGORY (listings with a (T) are Trust Funds managed by the KI Board of Trustees in cooperation with Janney Montgomery Scott LLC. Income from these trusts are distributed to Kesher Israel on an annual basis.
General use:
- General Fund– Donations supplement the current year’s budget
- KI Capital Trust– Created to develop a capital fund to create a sound financial base for Kesher Israel. Disbursements can be made for religious, charitable, operational and educational purposes. (T)
- The Martin Cohen Endowment for the General Account– Created to develop a capital fund for the purpose of ensuring a sound financial base for Kesher Israel. (T)
- The Ahteed Trust– Created to supplement the membership dues to Kesher Israel Congregation for those members who lack the financial resources to pay the membership dues. (T)
- The Molly and Ike Clompus Fund – The purpose of the Fund shall be to support Kesher Israel’s general purposes. (T)
- The Allen and Doris Neil Memorial Endowment for Education– Created to provide needs-based scholarships to The David Ari and Michael Eric Zukin Religious School, to provide for special Religious School projects and enrichment programs, and for scholarships for youth group sponsored trips to Israel. (T)
- The Sidney and Mary Wolf Scholarship Endowment– Created to provide needs based Religious School tuition scholarships. (T)
- The Sondra Moore Endowment for Youth Groups– Created to provide a sound financial base for use by the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization and/or any other Jewish youth groups associated with Kesher Israel Congregation. (T)
- The Maury Hoberman Endowment for Adult Education– Created to provide funds to support Adult Education and to enhance adult and family education programs at Kesher Israel. (T)
- The Rabbi Sue Greenberg Endowment for the Religious Education of Kesher Israel Special Needs Members– Created to provide a source of funds to facilitate the inclusion of special needs children, including dependent adult children, of Kesher Israel members in the educational and religious life of the community. (T)
- The Janet M. Joseph Memorial Education Fund – To provide members of Kesher Israel and/or their children who are enrolled in post-secondary education with appropriate and necessary educational materials (and, secondarily, for educational materials in support of its Preschool, Religious School or Library). (T)
- The Shirley Klein Endowment Fund – Created to provide enrichment programs and special promotions to encourage the student transition from the KI Religious school to the Chester County Hebrew High School. (T)
- Library Fund– Funds are used to purchase equipment and books for the library.
- Religious School– Funds are used for the needs of the Religious School.
- David Ari and Michael Eric Zukin Foundation– These funds are disbursed to the Religious School to provide innovative programming to enhance Jewish education in our community.
- Jay Levine Memorial Scholarship Fund– Provides scholarships for KI members’ children to attend Hebrew High School.
Religious Life
- The Morris Singer Memorial Endowment Fund– Created to pay for the services of a High Holiday cantor and to support other costs associated with the High Holiday religious services of K.I. (T)
- The Cemetery Trust– Created to purchase additional burial plots as needed and for the care and maintenance of gravesites. Income can also be used to support the Religious School. (T)
- Sacred Objects Fund– Funds are used for purchasing or repairing religious items such as the silver ornaments for our Torahs.
- Prayer Book Fund– Funds are used to purchase new prayer books. A minimum donation of $50 is required to dedicate a prayer book with a nameplate.
Tikun Olam
- The Mitzvah Corps Trust– Created to provide funds to support the Mitzvah Corps in providing meals to Kesher Israel families in time of need and other activities of the Mitzvah Corps. (T)
- Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund– The Rabbi uses these funds for any charitable purpose that may or may not necessarily be connected to the synagogue. Donations to this fund can be made directly to the Rabbi or to the synagogue office.
- Building Fund– Donations are used for the continuous upkeep of our building and grounds. These funds help offset unexpected expenses.
- Tree of Life – A leaf may be purchased to honor or commemorate just about any important life event, and costs $150. Funds received from the purchase of leaves are given to the Building Fund.
- The Nikol Satenstein Safety & Security Fund – Contributions are used to enhance the safety & security of the Kesher Israel Congregation, a pursuit to which Nik was greatly devoted.
- Kesher Israel Preschool PTO Fund– Funds are used for the needs of the Preschool.
- Sisterhood Funds
- Sylvia Berlin Clompus Fund– Raises funds that Sisterhood donates to the synagogue for large purchases or improvements.
- Men’s Club Funds